Quantum Circuit Simulator
Written by Davy Wybiral.
Contributions by Jiman Hwang
This is a quantum circuit simulator designed to function as a learning tool for anyone interested in quantum computing.
It has a friendly GUI for constructing and evaluating quantum circuits.
Rather than constructing one simple circuit, it's designed to support modular circuit design.
Any circuit you make can be compiled into a gate for use in other circuits.
The default gates in use were chosen because they appear frequently in literature.
There does seem to be a mix of conventions regarding rotation gates. To avoid confusion,
this is the matrix used to construct all of the Rx gates used by this application:

The basics:
- Click on the qubits to the left of the circuit wires to toggle the input state.
- Click on a quantum gate (above the circuit wires) to select that gate type.
Then click on a circuit wire to place the selected gate there.
- For gates over multiple qubits, such as the swap or QFT gates, click and drag across desired qubits.
- Right clicking will delete a gate.
- Any gate can be made into a controlled version of itself by selecting the control gate (the black dot)
and dragging from the control qubit to the target gate.
- Dragging a control onto an X gate will result in a CNot gate.
- Multiple controls can be added to a single gate.
- Dragging two controls to an X will result in a Toffoli gate.
- Right clicking on a control will remove it from the gate without removing the gate itself.
- You can evaluate your circuit by either clicking the Evaluate option in the Circuit menu or by pressing Enter.
- Evaluating the circuit will apply the circuit to the current input state (on the left of the circuit wires)
and display a table of resulting probabilities (on the right of the circuit wires).
- Each line in the probabilities table is of the form "a+bi|x> p%" where "a+bi" is a complex number (the amplitude),
"x" is a possible binary state for the entire system, and "p" is a percent probability that a measurement would result in that state.
- By default, states with 0% probability are hidden. Click "(show all)" above the table to display zero and nonzero probabilities.
- You can compile your circuit by either clicking the Compile option in the Circuit menu or by pressing Ctrl+S.
- Compiling your circuit will create a gate containing the visible circuit to be used in larger circuits.
- Once compiled, you can double-click on the gate in the toolbar to open it's circuit.
- Saving a gate with the same name as an existing one will overwrite the existing gate.
This does not update gates that use this circuit. They will need to be "recompiled" too.
- You can export all of the gates you've created into a JSON format by clicking on the Export JSON
option in the Workspace menu.
- This exported JSON text can be reimported at a later time by clicking on the Import JSON
option in the Workspace menu and then pasting the JSON text into the prompt.
- You can export the circuit diagram as an image by clicking the Export Image option in the Circuit menu.
- You can export the circuit as a CSV matrix of complex values by clicking the Export Matrix option in the Circuit menu.
- You can resize your circuit by changing the Qubits setting in the Circuit menu.
- If the new size is smaller than the existing circuit, gates that don't fit will be removed.