These are recent projects pulled from my Github account.
microterm (2023)
CLI tool for interacting with MicroPython devices.
code-art (2016-2023)
Experiments in procedurally generated art.
shh (2016-2023)
Create Tor hidden services in Python.
micropython-lora (2020-2023)
MicroPython library for controlling a Semtech SX127x LoRa module over SPI.
guitar (2022-2023)
Browser-based guitar tab editor and simulator.
aiomast (2023)
Asynchronous Mastodon library for Python.
micropython-aiolora (2020-2023)
MicroPython library for controlling a Semtech SX127x LoRa module with asyncio API.
micropython-aioweb (2020-2023)
A minimalist asyncio web framework for MicroPython.
aiothingy (2023)
Asynchronous Python library for interacting with the Nordic Thingy52 over Bluetooth.
aiotor (2022)
Asynchronous Tor controller library for Python.
photos (2022)
Davy's panorama images.
firehose (2019-2022)
Real-time news aggregate system.
hangul-keyboard (2022)
Browser-based Hangul keyboard
wtf (2019-2022)
PoC to demonstrate how local service discovery can be used to violate privacy.
fireworks (2020)
Amateur fireworks resources.
torgo (2018-2020)
A Golang library for Tor.
micropython-mpu6050 (2020)
MicroPython library for reading from MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope modules.
localtoast (2019-2020)
Scan localhost for various popular services.
tube (2019-2020)
Personal video streaming server.
micropython-ch9121 (2020)
MicroPython library for controlling CH9121 Ethernet modules.
tlsextract (2019-2020)
Extract TLS metadata from connection in JSON format.
terrain (2016-2020)
Create a 3d terrain with WebGL.
micropython-rylr (2020)
MicroPython library for controlling Reyax LoRa modules (RYLR896, RYLR406)
zap (2020)
MicroPython CLI tool
python-musical (2015-2020)
Python module for procedural music creation.
crash (2018-2020)
Crashing browsers
words (2020)
For playing Zoom Pictionary
hookah (2018-2020)
A cross-platform tool for data pipelines.
tiny-elf (2017-2019)
A tiny ELF.
esp_sh1106 (2019)
SH1106 OLED I2C display driver for ESP32 ESP-IDF.
voice (2018-2019)
Open Source Voice Assistant
stream-sources (2018-2019)
Tool for real-time scraping of news articles.
spirit-box (2019)
SDR spirit box.
hades (2018-2019)
Remote daemon manager.
timeline (2019)
Private news aggregate.
dex (2017-2019)
IoT device indexer and search engine.
ipv4scan (2019)
IoT device scanner.
websocket-hub (2018-2019)
WebSocket Pub/Sub Server
tshare.js (2019)
JavaScript implementation of (2,3) XOR threshold secret sharing.
python-tshare (2019)
Python implementation of (2,3) XOR threshold secret sharing.
tshare (2018-2019)
Golang implementation of (2,3) XOR threshold secret sharing.
tavern (2019)
This is a WIP. Here be dragons.
mdns-listen (2019)
Listen to mDNS packets
osint-tools (2019)
A small collection of OSINT data collection tools.
robots (2019)
Normalizing robots.txt parser for Python
localscan (2018-2019)
Perform a port scan on localhost using Javascript.
noscript-captcha (2019)
A noscript image recognition captcha prototype.
tracker (2018-2019)
Tracking time spent on webpages without JS.
music (2016-2019)
Procedural video game music with Javascript.
arduino-gamepad (2018)
Arduino sketch for game controller
lmao (2018)
Systematically kill all processes
hookah-v0 (2018)
WebSocket pipeline tool.
reverseproxy (2018)
Encrypted reverse proxy in Go.
onions (2016-2018)
Generate Tor vanity onions with Go.
noscript-chat (2018)
Real-time chat without using Javascript.
stay (2015-2018)
Bit vector database written in Go for fast queries over large datasets.
air-hockey (2016-2018)
Teach your computer to play air hockey.
noscript-updates (2018)
Demonstrate realtime updates without Javascript
bitvec (2015-2018)
Golang compressed bit vector implementation.
storm (2016-2018)
Simulate lightning and thunder using Javascript.
nerdyjs (2015-2018)
Javascript library for data analysis and machine learning.
css-exploit (2018)
Extracting URL query string using CSS.
keybot (2017)
Keybase chat bot in Go.
halloween-game (2017)
Halloween tower defense game.
echo (2017)
Crypto publish–subscribe protocol.
budio (2016)
WebAudio helper library.
crypt_keeper (2016)
Secure password keeper and generator.
paprika (2016)
Task automation platform.
webaudio-example (2016)
Making music in the browser with WebAudio.
glysp (2015)
Experimental language inspired by Go, Lisp, and Python.
classyjs (2013-2015)
A lightweight Javascript OOP framework supporting multimethods, inheritance, and events.